


Agent-Oriented Software Process for Engineering Complex Systems

How to design agent societies under a holonic perspective

Holonic multiagent systems (HMAS) offers a promising software engineering approach for developing complex open software systems. However the process of building Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and HMAS is mostly different from the process of building more traditional software systems and it introduces new design and development challenges. This site introduces an agent-oriented software process for engineering complex systems called ASPECS. ASPECS is based on a holonic organisational metamodel and provides a step-by-step guide from requirements to code allowing the modelling of a system at different levels of details using a suite of refinement methods. This paper details the entire ASPECS development process and provides a set of methodological guidelines for each process activity. A complete case study is also used to illustrate the methodology and to detail associated notations. ASPECS uses UML as a modelling language. Because of the specific needs of agents and holonic organisational design, the UML semantics and notation are used as reference points, but they have been extended.

Keywords: Agent Oriented Software Engineering -- Software Development Process -- Design Methodology -- Holonic Multiagent Systems -- Complex Hierarchical Systems

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